Books for Preschoolers
List your favorite books to use for Preschool Storytime
Not Afraid of Dogs by Susanna Pitzer, illustrated by Larry Day - Daniel says he isn't afraid of anything, but he is secrectly afraid of dogs, one day he meets a dog, and Daniel finds the dog has fears of her own.
What a Treasure! by Jand and Will Hillenbrand. Mole is digging for treasure. He finds several treasures for others, and finally at the end, he finds a treasure for himself - a friend!
Snowball Fight! by Jimmy Fallon; illustrated by Adam Stower. A fun winter story about the joys of snowball fights. (simple story told in rhyme)
Below by Nina Crews. Jack dropped his action figure Guy down a hole in the stairs. Will Guy be saved? What will Guy encounter down below?
I am Pangoo the Penguin by Satomi Ichikawa. Pangoo, a stuffed penguin, feels misplaced when his boy Danny gets new presents for his birthday. Pangoo runs away in order to try and find a new place to belong, but he finds that there is no place like home.
Emma Kate by Patricia Polacco. Emma Kate and her best friend do everything together! However, her parents think Emma Kate is just an imaginary friend. The suprising twist in this story is fun for preschoolers.
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