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Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 10 months ago

Storytimes for Preschoolers 

Post ideas and/or outlines of your successful preschool storytimes.  Click the edit page button above, and then click below the line to add your idea.



This was a short storytime with a craft.  Children ages 2-5 attended.

Welcome:  Hello Song

Read:  If You Give a Mouse a Cookie by Laura Numeroff

Chant:  Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar? (I had the children (or parents) write the child's name on a strip of paper as they came in.  Then, I had a puppet pull up the names as guessed who stole the cookie - great way to get children to pay attention to their name)

Read:  The Gingerbread Man retold by Jim Aylesworth

Fingerplay:  Five Gingerbread Men

Craft:  Children decorated paper gingerbread person (with markers, googley eyes, and pom poms)

Take Home Craft:  These are some fingerpuppets - children can color (parents can cut) and then retell the story of the gingerbread man - great for narrative skill.  Note:  I had to enlarge the fingerpuppets - the web ones are too small.

Parent Paper: 


becky 12/4/07

Fourth of July Storytime 

 I had children ages 2-8 for this storytime.  It was a short storytime with a craft and some music.



Welcome Song: If you're ready for a Story

Read: Olivia forms a Band by Ian Falconer

Art Project: Created fireworks art.  The idea was based on the idea from Family Fun.  I also let the children use glitter glue to add some sparkle.

Read: Parade by Donald Crew

Musical Activity:  I passed out rhythm instruments.  We marched in place and played our instruments to the Stars and Stripes Forever.  I used the CD

Celebration of America (CD J781.599 CELEBRATION)


Becky 7/4/07


Scary..... NOT!

Stories that seem scary but really aren't!  (preschool storytime)



Welcome song:  If you're ready for a story

Read:  I'm Not Cute! by Jonathan Allen.  Baby owl is tired of everyone saying he is cute.  He is a fierce hunter!

Fingerplay:  5 enormous dinosaurs

Flannel Board:  The Fearsome Beast

Fingerplay:  Elephant, Popcorn

Read:  George and the Dragon by Chris Wormell.  The big, scary dragon has a big secret (actually a very small secret).  He is afraid of mice!

Sing:  Shake My Sillies Out

Fingerplay:  Quiet Mouse

Read:  The Big Bad Wolf by Claire Masurel.  Everyone is a afraid of the big, bad wolf!

Sing:  Slippery Fish

Fingerplay:Clap up high, two black birds

Read:  Yikes!! by Robert Florczak

Close:  Reach for the ceiling, give monster coloring sheets

**Next time, I'd add the book, Snip, Snap, What's That?  by Mara Bergman

becky 7/11/07




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